Le ministère de la Coopération Internationale et de la Promotion du Partenariat Public-Privé a été créé suite au décret n°2021-301 du 15 mai 2021 portant nomination des membres du gouvernement.
Ce nouveau département ministériel a hérité du portefeuille de la « Coopération Internationale » (qui était autrefois sous la coupe du ministère en charge des Affaires étrangères) et il lui a été adjoint celui de la « Promotion du Partenariat Public-Privé ».
Accédez à une sélection de photos prise lors de la passation de service
entre les ministres Denis Christel Sassou Nguesso et Jean-Claude Gakosso.
Conformément au décret N°2021-339 du 06 juillet 2021 relatif aux attributions du ministère de la Coopération internationale et de la Promotion du partenariat public-privé, ce département a la charge de :
One of the most common additions people make to their cars in order to keep the heat out is a windshield visor. Cars become warm in the summer because direct sunlight enters in through the windows. This is why we park in the shade whenever we can. Since the largest windshield.In fact, wind is becoming cheap enough in many places in the U.S. and around the world to compete effectively with fossil fuels.
One of the most common additions people make to their cars in order to keep the heat out is a windshield visor. Cars become warm in the summer because direct sunlight enters in through the windows. This is why we park in the shade whenever we can. Since the largest windshield.In fact, wind is becoming cheap enough in many places in the U.S. and around the world to compete effectively with fossil fuels.
One of the most common additions people make to their cars in order to keep the heat out is a windshield visor. Cars become warm in the summer because direct sunlight enters in through the windows. This is why we park in the shade whenever we can. Since the largest windshield.In fact, wind is becoming cheap enough in many places in the U.S. and around the world to compete effectively with fossil fuels.
1, Avenue Félix Eboué,
Centre-ville, Brazzaville,
Rep. du Congo
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